Thursday, May 1, 2014

Selfie Contest.....

Alright, Alright, Alright!!! 
Many of you have already heard the GREAT news! But if you haven't.....
 I am being published AGAIN in an amazing book called 'Capture Minnesota'! 
I am beyond excited for this honor once again and can't wait to see which image they have chosen to publish.  Last year I really pushed for votes and what have you. This year I just laid low and still one of my images was chosen.  It's an amazing feeling...the feeling of validation!  That my work can be recognized, that I'm a GOOD photographer!

Well anyways.....the book has gotten so big that they are hosting the release party at the Mall of America this!  They are also going to have all of the published photo's on display for 2 days in 2 different locations.  The Rotunda and the hallway in front of the old Bloomingdale's.  Since we don't know what image is being published I can only speculate as to which ones in my gallery they have chosen.  Here are a few of the top contenders.....
capture mn edited 1 capture mn edited 3 Minneapolis Cherry Spoon/ "made in Minnesota"
In HONOR of this special occasion I thought a FUN contest was in order!  How about a 'Selfie' Contest?!  Like I said earlier the images will be displayed in TWO different locations.  Have fun finding which image is mine (while enjoy the other amazing work being published). Once you have located my image, take a selfie with it and post it to my Facebook Page!  The images will be displayed for TWO DAYS ONLY.  Friday May 16th - Saturday May 17th
I will be entering all the names from those that took a selfie into a hat again and drawing for a FUN prize!  (to be determined)  Have fun and I can't wait to see the Selfies roll in!!!  
selfie contest
Where: Mall of America Rotunda, 60 E Broadway, Bloomington, MN 55425
When: Saturday, May 17, 2014 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (CDT)
Who: Everyone is invited! Bring your friends and family, too!

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