Thursday, February 7, 2013

Balloon's for Kyle

This post is written with a conflicting heart. 
Let me start from the beginning.....
My friend Angela Little and I met on Facebook by happenstance. 
I came across an image that I did a double take on as I thought it was my own daughter! 
Low and behold is was a beautiful little girl named Grace and her mother was Angela
(a fellow photographer)!
I contacted her and from there we became friends. 
She currently lives in Florida but has family in Minnesota so she is super familiar with my state. 
She is an amazing Godly women and has more strength then most of us can dream of having! 
She has 3 beautiful children her oldest with many medical issues. 
I can't really go into depth about them as I don't want to miss-speak and say the wrong medical terms but in the last few months of his life he struggled everyday and would come out strong each time.  This type of stress would have made me lock myself away and cry but Angela kept strong and reached out to her friends for support! 
There were days she would post his condition but asked for NO comments ...she just wanted to vent.  We all understood! 
Well on February 2nd her son Kyle was to turn 24 (and he did) but he also went home to see the Lord! 
Kind of the best Birthday gift ever but oh so sad for us left behind on this earth! 
Kyle LOVED balloons and as a celebration of his life on earth Angela has asked me to spread the word about "Balloon's for Kyle". 
She is asking for anyone to share a creative work of a balloon release up to Kyle. 
It doesn't have to be fancy, it can totally be in front of your home taken with your cell phone. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spread the word about this wonderful act of may not even know Angela or her son Kyle but if you're a parent you understand the lose one may be feeling and can show your love of children up in Heaven!!
(feel free to post your images HERE for Angela and her family to see....Thank you)
If releasing a balloon is something you aren't comfortable with due to the effects on the environment and animals then feel free to fly a balloon from your front porch in Kyle's honor!  
I have taken a few images of my time with Ryan after school today.....Ryan is my wise and tender hearted girl. 
She knew exactly what we were doing and gave that balloon a big hug before letting it go! 

Angela....we love you and your 'Little' famiy and pray nothing but warm hugs from the Lord.
kyle blog 2 kyle blog 3 kyle blog 4 kyle blog 5

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