Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Little Heroes’ Princess...

"She just loves life-she loves dance, her babies, her brothers, and just life it self. She has a spirit about her that is just so totally contagious. I look forward to our session. Thanks so much for doing this!!" - Rebecca (Annika's Mom)

You are MORE then welcome Rebecca!!

Your daughter just amazed me with her spunk and personality!

I will never forget how her face light up as she walked down the studio steps and saw all that was waiting JUST FOR HER!!!

Little Miss Princess Annika is a Little Heroe and recieved a special session!

We had originally planned on going down to "The River" but the wet and cold kept us inside!

We made the most of it and had fun playing dress up!!


To learn more about Annika ...visit her personal blog at:

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