Sunday, August 29, 2010

S2R Rocks....

The other night I had the pleasure to shoot along side and assist my good friend and great photographer ROBIN!!
This band is called Slaves To Righteousness!!
A few months back they had a session set up with Robin and due to weather ended up in her studio...(which ROCKED I might add....see here)
With such great weather this was their chance to get outside and go down town!
I got to tag along and had loads of fun!!
It was SO nice NOT be the one in charge for a change and just shoot candid and experiment with different camera settings!! At one point Robin leaned over and asked what I was shooting....I honestly looked down at my camera and said "I'm ALL over the place and my settings are jacked right now!!" LOL I had the freedom to play with light as the sun was setting and use more of a creative eye then I normally get to on most sessions!!
I LOVE how these images turned out and hope they do too!!
To read more about their story please visit Robin's site and also to see her images of this FUN session!!
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness

Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
Slaves To Righteousness
slaves to righteousness

1 comment :

Robin said...

omg I must have been dozing off to miss this awesome post! omg! LOVE what you did here! Have the guys seen it? I'm showing all of them - wowsers! LOVE it!!! You are the best!