Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Birthday...Lily

What an honor to be in the room when a miracle happens!  How amazing it was to be asked and to witness something so incredible!! 
Let's be honest for a moment and go over a few details.  This is my friend first and foremost....I wanted to capture this day for her BUT I wanted her to be comfortable with me in the room as this 'exposing' process happens.  I encourage anyone thinking about having birth photography to pick someone that you love and trust.  It makes for the inherent awkwardness to be a little bit more subsided.  Leaving the room when asked is always a given and being able to drop the camera to hold a friends hand and whip her hair from her face is a must!!  That being said all discreetness and modesty goes away after you have sat with your friend through the most painful time in her life for hours on end.  What I felt my role was that night....distraction stories, hand holding, wet wash cloths, handing her whatever she needs, smoothing out her hair, finding socks for her cold feet, calling a nurse when needed.....all while capturing the night one snap shot at a time.  Ali ....I'm pretty sure we are bonded for life after this experience!!!  Ali is not only a good friend and great mother but she is also a fellow photographer.  Her work is amazing...  http://www.alihohn.com/ 
She also owns a backdrop company called Rock the Drops!
Here are some snap shots of how the night unfolded.

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