Thursday, April 11, 2013

Are you IN or are you OUT??

Alight just wanted to chit chat with you guys for minute on 'what the heck is going on'!!  Many of you are probably wondering what I'm doing these days.  You've seen me book sessions out into 2014 and then post a few sessions on the blog...."what Jennie I thought you were done??"
Well let me explain....
I took what was about 3 months off and spent time with my family and focused on myself for a change!  I was battling a bit of depression and needed to shake it...could have been post-pardom but not really sure.  I love both my kids and would NEVER hurt them so it wasn't the crazy kinda depression it was more like a black cloud that would burst into tears every once in awhile kinda thing.  I began by working on my physical self to see if that would help make me 'feel' better.  Well it got Enzo some socialization at the gym and I learned he LOVED interaction with others.  He would run into the play room....which was opposite my daughter, she would cry whenever I dropped her off.  Anyway...I would feel great DURING the workout but right back under the cloud when it was over.  I knew in the long run it was good for me so I kept going.  I then discovered weight lifting! I don't know what it is about free weights but I LOVE IT!!  Don't worry I'm not going after the body builder type ....but my depression has lifted and I feel GREAT!  While lifting weights I also signed up for a has been tricky due to a foot issue but it's been a great addition to my weight training!  Losing weight and getting healthy is NOT an easy road...especially if you are doing it the right way.  Mentally I am there...I'm all in...I'm doing this day at a time!  I don't have those amazing before and after pictures to show you as my journey is ganna be a bit longer to get to the physical state I'm desiring after! 
I'm just happy that I found my release and that it's working for me!

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"Enough about fixing yourself Jennie what about your Photography Business?  
What's up with that??"
OK OK....I knew this time off would either lead to weaning myself from the industry or finding a way back in that would be different and not the cookie cutter portrait sessions everyone is doing. 
I began searching through blogs and websites of photographers that I've always grabbed inspiration from ...some new, some for many years.  I swear it hit me like a TON OF BRICKS.....'jennie just do what you want to do and don't worry about the rest of the industry!!'  So simple, but not in the least.  I am chalking up these last 8 years as learning experience. I have built my name and reputation.  I learned the industry and knew what I was capable of and wear my weaknesses were. These last 8 years have been amazing, but now it's time to do what I want to do!!!
I enjoy many things and most of them are DIY or Crafty Projects....I want to incorporate these things into my sessions.  I want to focus on the FAMILY at hand and not worry about booking sessions on top of each other. 

To make a long story longer....a few months back I attended a Crafting Party! 
(Had the best time and totally recommend these fabulous parties to anyone crafty or wanna be crafty.)


Anyway....there was a studio open next to mine and low and behold guess who moved in?? 
Yep BE CRAFTY!!!  I was soooo ecstatic but needed time to pray it out and get some things going first!!  I have asked Amanda Rydell from Be Crafty to join me on this journey of "Story Telling Sessions"!  She too has been looking to explore this avenue of crafting/sets more....what a perfect fit and what perfect timing. 

I'm explaining all this to let you know that my portfolio will be changing and most likely my prices in the future.  These sessions aren't cheap and I hope to pay a team of people to make my dreams and visions come to life!  I have learned I can't do it all on my own!  I've driven myself nuts trying to juggle crafting, parenting, photography, sets, editing, packaging, studio, wife hood, household chores, etc.  The list could go on and I KNOW you Moms out there can understand!

So look for more blogs that will get more intimate with the clients and more personal.  I hope you enjoy the stories behind these sessions and know that I intend to put my heart into each one!

So now you know what the heck is going on over at JG Photography!! 


Unknown said...

Excited to see the sessions and everything you come up with!

Jen Billman said...

Just seeing this for the first time, Jennie! Oops. :) Good for you, mama! :) Excited to see what you come up with.