Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Angel LOVE....

Little Miss Clara came to me about 3 weeks ago and she brought the most loving family with her!! Her Big Brother was the best EVER...so sweet and so eager to hold her!!
We got lots of eyes open and lots of sleepy shots!!
I could have captured Miss Clara all day if her parents let me!!
She was a trooper!!
I must say she was also JG Photography FIRST....NO POOPING the entire session!!
One big pee and she was all set!!

Miss Clara...
Miss Clara...
Miss Clara...
Miss Clara...
Miss Clara...
Miss Clara...
Miss Clara...
Miss Clara...


Nichole Olsen said...

This is SO LOVELY and the lips one TDF!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

Adorable! Love the basket and wrap!

Jen T said...

the last image is just breathtaking!